There isn't a better place to experience film than the silver screen. These animated icons are for the movie buffs or just your average moviegoers. Cinemas bring back a nostalgic feeling of watching movies with your friends and family. Whether you are watching an action movie, a tear-jerker, or a comedy that actually makes you laugh out loud the cinema is an escape from the real world for an hour or two.
For this project, we were tasked with creating an animated icon set based on a certain niche of people. I decided to go with an animated icon set for avid moviegoers because going to the movies holds a special place in my heart. I have such great memories of going to the cinema with my family, friends, and coworkers that it's one of my happy places. I try to go see a movie at least once a month just as a decompressor and these icons are for the ones who go to the cinema as often or more than I do.

These are the stills of the icons I created before animating them.

I used Adobe After Effects to create these small quick animations.