The app begins with a quick introduction. Our users can either create a new account, login, or if they are a farmer they can register with the app to appear for users to favorite.

The home page gives the user a chance to see the weather. No one wants to go to a farmers market on a cloudy rainy day. It also gives users a quick view at some of the new products around their area. We also provided a page for users to see which products are in season.

The map page is a friendly place for users to search their area code and find farmers markets near them. They can also favorite these locations for easy quick access later. Also favoriting locations will tell them when they search for products if the markets they favorited have those items.

Each market will have their own page to show off the farmers that are present and the produce they have. For the produce each item will tell you if it is in stock or not. Each item is also linked to a page where the user can learn more about that item. On the markets pages the user can learn more about a certain farmer, their values, their products, and even just interesting things about them. Here the user can add the farmer to their favorites if their values align.

Users can learn more about the produce that they are buying. I’m sure not many people know what a dragon fruit is. The interactive section helps the user know more about the products they are buying so they will be more likely to buy.

Users can search for certain items and see what markets have these items. They can also see if they are in stock or not. Markets will show up if they have been favorited and if you scroll you can see other markets near the ones that you have favorited. This screen can also show you unique items that not all markets may have.

The donate page is a place for users to give back to their local farmers and farms. They can choose from a set of donations or create their own.